The Secret to Finding a Financial Advisor

It is important to know how often your financial advisor will see you. If your personal situation changes, you want to make sure they meet often enough to be able to update your investment portfolio in response to the change. Consultants meet their customers on different frequencies.  You can also choose the best financial advisor via

If you plan to meet with your advisor once a year and want to find something you think is important to discuss with them; Are you willing to meet? You want your advisor to be kept up to date and kept informed of your situation. If your situation changes, it is important to report this to your financial advisor.

You should feel comfortable with the information your advisor provides and is comprehensive and usable. Samples may not be available, but they can access the samples they previously created for customers and share them with you by deleting any custom information before reviewing it.

This will help you understand how they work to help your customers reach their goals. In addition, you can see how they track and measure their results and determine if those results are in line with target customers.

In addition, if they can show you how they assisted the planning process, then you will be told that they are actually doing financial "planning" and not just investing.

Ask how the counselor is compensated and how this translates into all expenses for you.

There are several ways in which advisors can be compensated. The first and most common method is for consultants to receive a commission in exchange for their services. The second, more recent form of compensation is that the advisor is paid a percentage of the client's total assets under management.

Most financial institutions offer the same amount of compensation, but there are cases where some companies compensate more than others, creating a potential conflict of interest.