Himalayan Salt Facts and Benefits

Pink Himalayan salt is a naturally occurring rock salt mined in the mountains of Nepal, which has long been recognized as one of the best natural foods on earth. Widely recognized for its beautiful blue-violet color and the health benefits it is claimed to offer, Himalayan Salt is actually a natural mineral salt, and is made from mostly magnesium chloride, sodium chloride, and potassium, which provides the salt its beautiful pink color. The reason this salt has such an enchanting color is that it has very high concentrations of potassium and magnesium this means that the salt has much more than enough minerals and trace elements to give you a healthy balance.

Since Himalayan pink salt is naturally occurring, it is also relatively cheap to buy and has been compared to most commercial salts and processed table salt in terms of price and quality. However, some consumers have expressed concern about the health benefits of Himalayan salt. Some claim that it is too dense in the nutrients that the human body needs, while others believe that Himalayan pink salt does not contain enough minerals to make a difference to the body.

While some claims about the minerals in Himalayan salt are not entirely true, the majority of them can be verified. As a matter of fact, there is no better natural food out there than Himalayan salt, so if you feel that something in your diet is lacking in the right amount of minerals or essential nutrients, Himalayan salt may be your best bet. Below, we will look at the minerals found in Himalayan salt, and how these minerals can impact your overall well being.

Sodium is the first thing that comes to mind when we think of Himalayan salt. This mineral is the one that most people know, as it is one of the most important minerals for maintaining normal bodily function and balance, including blood pressure, blood flow, fluid retention, cell metabolism, heartbeat, nerve function, and muscle contraction. Because sodium is one of the main ingredients that make up Himalayan salt, you should make sure that whatever type of salt you use on your food is Himalayan pink salt. However, since this type of salt is naturally occurring, you can still get good amounts of sodium in your diet in other sources such as fish and fruits and vegetables.

Calcium is another mineral that you should be aware of when looking at Pink Himalayan salt. Calcium is necessary for bone growth and development, and healthy teeth. And because it is natural, you can also get plenty of it in your diet from dairy products and fish. However, since Himalayan pink salt is naturally occurring, you may not get enough calcium in your diet.

Magnesium and potassium are two other important minerals to look at when looking at the mineral content of Himalayan salt. These minerals are often found in nature, so they should be easily found in natural salt. In addition to potassium and magnesium, you may be able to find them in dried fruits and vegetables and even some foods that are prepared to use it, such as bananas, berries, spinach, avocados, asparagus, potatoes, and some berries. If you don't want to have to resort to Himalayan salt, you may also find these two minerals in some other foods, including dried peas, beans, and dried beans.

Potassium and magnesium are important for the brain, nerves, muscles, joints, and heart, and as such, they are important to any type of weight loss or maintenance. You may not be able to eat enough fresh foods and supplements, but Himalayan pink salt may be just what you need to stay in tip-top physical shape.

As you can see, there is a lot to know about Himalayan pink salt. It may not be the first thing you think about when trying to lose weight. However, if you combine this natural mineral with plenty of vegetables, fruits, and protein, you can achieve a healthier lifestyle that includes good nutrition. For instance, you may be eating enough carrots, red meats, fish, and fresh fruits but may not be getting enough potassium and magnesium.